The Fellowship Initiative

The Fellowship Initiative's mission is to help young men acquire the skills, knowledge,experience, networks, and other resources they need to succeed academically and professionally. TFI provides comprehensive and hands-on academic, social and emotional support to young men of color in high school. TFI fellows meet three Saturdays each month for full-day learning sessions. During the summer TFI fellows participate in extended retreats or expeditions that focus on a different theme each year.

The Fellowship Initiative: Program Details

Academic Training

Project-Based Learning During the School Year and Summer

1-on-1 Mentoring with JPMorgan Chase Mentors

Mental Health Support

College Readiness and Planning

Career Awareness Activities

An overview of activities and strategies the TFI Program utilizes to empower our youth


  • The TFI Program is 100% free to students and their families

  • The TFI Application is open to young men of color in 10th grade with a minimum 2.5 G.P.A.

  • Applications for the TFI Program are made available online for applicants to complete. Applicants also complete an essay and interview to be selected for The Fellowship Initiative (TFI Program)

  • Fellows meet on three Saturdays each month for program sessions and attend retreats and expeditions during the summer over the course of 3 years

    Meetings/sessions may be virtual or in-person